
Book Rui Figueiredo Book Rui Figueiredo

A New Journey Begins: 'Gurgleyes - The Quest for Unity' Launches This December!

I'm excited to announce a magical journey awaiting you in the pages of my new book, "Gurgleyes - The Quest for Unity". This tale of wonder and unity will be available on December 7, 2023, in both Kindle and Paperback formats, across all Amazon marketplaces worldwide.

For those who can't wait to dive into the world of the Gurgleyes, the Kindle version is available for pre-order starting today! Be the first to explore the enchanting Glowforest and join Harmon and friends on their epic quest.

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Book Rui Figueiredo Book Rui Figueiredo

The Final Incarnation: 'Gurgleyes - The Quest for Unity' Awaits Readers

In the stillness of my vineyard, where the cycle of nature hums a timeless tune, I stand with a copy of "Gurgleyes - The Quest for Unity" that signifies a profound moment of transition. This is not the first printed version, not a prototype, but the Author Copy – the definitive edition that will reach the hands of readers, a mirror of the experience that awaits you all.

 With the Author Copy's arrival, there's a whirlwind of emotions. The cover, now familiar, is a gateway to a world meticulously crafted and lovingly nurtured. It is the final version, embodying every revision, every choice, and every nuance that has been poured into its creation.

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General, Book, Card Game Rui Figueiredo General, Book, Card Game Rui Figueiredo

Unveiling the Genesis of the Gurgleyes

In a time where the clamor of division drowns out the calls for togetherness, the Gurgleyes emerged not just as figments of imagination, but as embodiments of a deeply rooted aspiration for harmony. It all began as a personal endeavor to understand why, in our differences, we find reasons to divide rather than to unite. This pondering brewed over time, evolving into a narrative that holds a mirror to humanity, reflecting a world where diversity is not just tolerated but celebrated—a world the Gurgleyes call home.

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Book Rui Figueiredo Book Rui Figueiredo

Book Proof has arrived

The moment my fingers traced the spine of the first proof copy of my book, a cascade of emotion surged within me. This was the proof print—the very first incarnation of my book in the physical world, an initial printed version produced to review the work before the final print run.

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