The Final Incarnation: 'Gurgleyes - The Quest for Unity' Awaits Readers

In the stillness of my vineyard, where the cycle of nature hums a timeless tune, I stand with a copy of "Gurgleyes - The Quest for Unity" that signifies a profound moment of transition. This is not the first printed version, not a prototype, but the Author Copy – the definitive edition that will reach the hands of readers, a mirror of the experience that awaits you all.

 With the Author Copy's arrival, there's a whirlwind of emotions. The cover, now familiar, is a gateway to a world meticulously crafted and lovingly nurtured. It is the final version, embodying every revision, every choice, and every nuance that has been poured into its creation.

This book, nestled against the backdrop of the very vines that have been companions in its creation, is a symbol of completion. It represents the culmination of a journey filled with passion, reflection, and, above all, a desire to connect with readers through the power of storytelling.

The Author Copy marks the end of one path and the beginning of another. Approved by Amazon, it's the tangible proof that the story of the Gurgleyes is ready to be shared, ready to find a place in your imaginations and on your bookshelves.

As I hold this book in my hands, feeling its finality and its impending journey, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. The vineyard, once a silent partner to my writing, now bears witness to the book's readiness to be discovered by eager eyes and open hearts.

Join me in this milestone, in the joy of a dream fully realized and about to be shared. "Gurgleyes - The Quest for Unity" is not just a story; it's an invitation to explore, to dream, and to find unity in the pages we turn together.

With deepest appreciation and excitement for the shared adventures ahead,

Rui Figueiredo


A New Journey Begins: 'Gurgleyes - The Quest for Unity' Launches This December!


Unveiling the Genesis of the Gurgleyes