Leveling Up: Gurgleyes Mash Gets a Splash of Color and a Dash of Strategy

Hey again, Gurgleyes crew!

It's been five rollercoaster weeks since we first shared the black and white beginnings of our card game. Now, we're back with an update that's as vivid and vibrant as the world of Gurgleyes itself. We’ve upgraded from our trusty laser printer to the glossy, high-grade sheen of Staples Print Shop quality. And yes, this time it’s in full, glorious color!

Gone are the days of slipping old playing cards behind our prototypes for that extra oomph. The new cards stand firm and ready for battle, all on their own. They're still housed in their Magic the Gathering sleeves—a nod to our roots and a wink at the protection they afford from the wear and tear of intense gaming sessions.

First Color Printed Version

The game, like its characters, has evolved. With each print, play, and hasty retreat back to the design board, Gurgleyes Mash is inching closer to the gem we envision it to be. It's becoming the kind of game that keeps you up at night strategizing for the next day's battles.

Speaking of strategy, Rafael—one of the masterminds behind the game—has already emerged as a formidable champion. With a win rate that’s making the rest of us reconsider our life choices (70%, if you can believe it), he’s the one to beat. His secret? A deep understanding of the game mechanics and a strategic mind that's always two steps ahead.

Our playtests have expanded, too, bringing in more brains to the brawl. We’ve pushed the limits, testing games with up to 8 players. But after much debate and one too many marathon sessions, we’ve capped the sweet spot at 6 players. It keeps the game tight, the action high, and the duration just right. Of course, for those of you who like your games as grand as the tales of Gurgleyes, you're welcome to go beyond!

Now, here's the real kicker. We felt something was missing—a spice to add to our hearty Gurgleyes stew. And that’s where the book “Gurgleyes: The Quest for Unity” comes in. We've begun introducing characters from the narrative into the fray. Say hello to Anarchon and Harmon, special cards that throw predictability right out the window.

These aren’t just fighters; they're game-changers, shifting the tide of battle and forcing players to adapt or perish. With these two in the mix, the game has transformed. It's less about who has the stronger hand and more about who can navigate the chaotic currents of an ever-shifting battlefield.

The initial reception? Nothing short of exhilarating. Players are on the edge of their seats because now, anything can happen. These special cards not only bring depth to the gameplay but also breathe life into the lore of Gurgleyes, making every round an unpredictable adventure.

As we continue this journey from concept to final product, we're reminded that game design is not just a process; it’s a narrative of its own, rich with unexpected twists and turns. With every iteration, we're not just refining a game; we're crafting a story, a community, and an experience that we hope you'll love as much as we do.

Stay tuned for more updates, and remember: In the world of Gurgleyes, every move tells a story, and every game is an epic in the making.

Until next time, keep those strategies coming, and may your Gurgleyes be ever in your favor!


Book Proof has arrived


Our First Glimpse of Gurgleyes Mash: From Concept to Cardboard